Mawla Ya Salli wa Sallim

O My Lord! Send Peace and blessings upon your beloved (PBUH), The Best of all creations,
Muhammad (PBUH) is the prince of this world and the hereafter,
And of men and jinn, Arabs and non-Arabs,
Nothing deterred you, No defeat and no loss!
Until this community of Islam was set among the stars,
Oh beloved of God, messenger of God, Imam of the prophets,
Your journeyed from one sanctuary by night to another sanctuary,
And the full moon travels through intense darkness,
And you kept ascending until you reached a position,
At a distance of two cubits,
As had never been attained, nor has been sought,
O My Lord! Send Peace and blessings upon your beloved (PBUH), The Best of all creations.

Bila hati gundah,
Akal berserabut,
Quran penenang,
Burdah pendamai.

Bila hidup tersepit,
Jiwa meronta,
Kalamullah pembelai,
Qasidah pemujuk.

Wahai Sang Jumaat!
Kau makhluk yang dimuliakan dari sekelian hari,
Penghulu kiraan minggu,
Kau membawa berkat dan rahmat.

Ya Sayyidil Ayyam!
Mati di malammu satu kelebihan,
Masa di sepanjangmu suatu peluang,
Awal dan akhirmu suatu ketentuan.

Hidup dalam mencari..
